What we do

j3 has 35+ years of
experience in buying,
planning, merchandising,
product development
and data analysis
Our experts provide highly
customized tools to
dissect your business.
Our merchandising
function is specifically
structured to organize
and interpret YOUR retail
performance data
without bias.

Quarterly Review

The Quarterly Review is the service we most highly recommend.  This will allow j3 to get an overall feel for your business and is a great first step that enables your team to comprehend the capabilities of our service.  We will work with your team to understand the attributes that are embedded in your data and what those attributes mean to the brand.  If we need to add or change any data elements,  we will work with your team to determine the factors that drive your business and add or change any data elements necessary.  We will eliminate the noise and focus on the business drivers such as classifications, fabrics, colors, materials, patterns etc.  We will also look at the performance of all your accounts on the same products to look for opportunities.  We will analyze price, channel, breadth, and depth of buys.  We will use available web images to create visually compelling recaps of the styles that drove volume, sell-through or were liabilities for the quarter to be shared with your product, sales, design, tech, factories, executives and also your retail accounts. 

SKU Forecasting and Financial Planning

SKU forecasting is the service that will naturally follow the Quarterly Review.  After we present the Quarterly Review and work with your teams to gain insights into the results we will develop a SKU Plan for the next years Quarter.  The SKU Plan will align this year's performance vs. last years performance and recommend the number of SKUS to develop go forward.  We will make assumptions regarding depth and pricing based on the findings of the Quarterly Review.   This will provide your teams with a starting point to develop next years line based on science and your team will infuse the art to take the development where it needs to be directionally.  The SKU plan will include detailed explanations of opportunities by classification.

j3merchants can direct all financial aspects of your business.  Finances begins with performance and can extend to fincancial planning, Open to buy forecasting, unit purchase projections, profitability analysis and we can even do your QuickBooks.

Monthly Recaps

This is a less financially detailed analysis but provides visual support to monthly meetings.  The greatest value of this service is it provides continuity between j3 and your team.  As opposed to working on the performance of your brand Quarterly we would be a true extension of your team, partnering monthly on the performance of the products which would lead seamlessly into the Quarterly review.


This service is at the heart of the inception of j3 merchants.  In our experience using science to guide the art of merchandising, buying and product development in a collaborative process will lead to efficiency, increased engagement and proven results at retail.  In the age of information, all manufacturers need to be equipped with owning their own knowledge.   j3 merchants can help your business own your performance information.  We will give personalized attention to all of our clients and become a true extension of their teams.  Your success will drive our success.